Back in the City, Farm in the Country

Back in the City, Farm in the Country

Well, I'm back in the city now. Sweetbreads gets in later today. I got in late last night to be back for work this morning. The farm's about 1,000 miles away in Tennessee. It's tough not being out there after we got our feet wet this weekend. Waking up with a yard literally full of robins, cardinals, blue jays and many other not-so-brightly-colored-so-I-can't-identify-them birds is much better than trash trucks in Brooklyn! The good news though is that we finally worked through all the little hitches and closed on Friday! Even if we won't officially move in for a while it's good to have some finality and really start digging in to planning.


View of the barns. One will stay, one will go.

 With the help of our families we cleaned up the place over the weekend, spent some quality time together and got the home ready for the winter. My parents surprised us by flying out my little sister, which was the highlight of the weekend (aside from buying the farm, sorry sis!). I caught her running around taking pictures when she should've been toting around that shop-vac, but it's all good, now we have some fun pics for the blog! I'll leave you with a few of her shots and we'll post lots more details in the week to come. (Click through for all photos)

I'll be posting a brief story about our first night at the house on Farm Dreams at Noon (ET) today. It's free to sign-up, so check it out!

I love the reflection in the window, great shot sisOur ferocious guard-dog!Some used equipment you're happy to use again. Pressure cooker's are not in that categoryKind of spooky!