Bobcat on the Night Cam - Guard Dogs Doin' Work

Bobcat on the Night Cam - Guard Dogs Doin' Work

Our use of the night cams just got a little more interesting. The feline you see above was caught prowling the north perimeter of the farm. Fortunately, she was well outside the perimeter fence and thus far we haven't seen one inside the perimeter fence, or really even too close to the perimeter fence. 

At night we hear the dogs out barking far, far away. Usually, the dogs are out in the forested parts of our land, which encompass the majority of the edges. Last night in particular the wildlife was pretty active. We heard at least two bobcats calling and a couple owls as well. When we're close to a full moon that tends to be the case. When we haven't had rain for a few weeks we also tend to hear them more frequently. One thing we don't hear or see anymore is the coyotes, I guess they went elsewhere.

Izzi with her game face on

Thanks dogs, we love you guys