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Farm To-Do!

Talk to state Vet about bringing animals in from out of state - DONE!

A little over 6 months ago, Scrapple suggested we consolidate all of our lists and notes and make one definitive Farm To-Do List. We share it on Google Docs so it's always easy to access and edit (and share the edits when we're not in the same place at the same time). 

The to-do list can get a little overwhelming at times (from today through the end of February is 6 pages, each line being a task) and so we broke it down into month-by-month priorities to make the mountain of tasks a little more approachable. This has definitely worked, but as our moving date grows near and I get more and more excited, it has been increasingly difficult for me to focus on just one task and hammer it out. This is basically because all the things I need to do this month are ridiculously fun! 

Here's a quick overview of the biggies for January:

  • finish preliminary creamery design and prep to pass on to professionals
  • plan our gardens and order seeds
  • finalize decisions on goat breeds and find 2 animals to bring in this Spring 
  • finalize decisions on cow breeds and decide when best to bring in
  • design eggmobile and begin to find essential parts (wheeled base)
  • plan farm retail identity and site 
  • set up Little Seed as a business

Although there are many others (73 to be exact ) these are the 7 on top of the prioritized list, each one having their own page of tasks to complete in order to check the biggie off the list. Each one, being a big project in itself that will shape Little Seed, is very exciting and I can't stop jumping from one to the other like a little kid wanting to try all 32 flavors! 

Although I normally eschew New Year's resolutions, this list is just begging me to make some sort of promise to myself. It's not really a resolution, but a goal that will require some discipline to achieve. Here goes: I commit to focusing on no more than 2 big tasks at a time with a goal of completing 2 a week until the end of the month. Wish me luck!




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