For the past few weeks I've been holing up with my pencil, camera, and computer. I appear at milking and mealtimes, mumbling something half coherent about "the store" before scurrying back to the living room, where drawings, photos, mock-ups, and all sorts of artsy and craftsy things are sprawled everywhere.
Every other day, for a little over four weeks now, I excitedly gush, "Guess what?! I think I'll be able to finish tomorrow!" Maybe you've been there before? Well, I said the same thing today and I'm now realizing that it might actually happen this time. Woooooo hoo!
What the heck am I blabbering on about anyway?!? Well, (as you may or may not have seen me sneakily allude to on instagram and facebook) Scrapple and I have been working on some special farmstead goodies to share. We're putting them together in a little shop, a virtual farm store, and (fingers crossed) we should be ready to open tomorrow!
We're so excited to finally be able to share some of the fruits of our farm with you! We're also happy to have a tool to help those that were hit by hurricane Sandy and will have a special offering to provide support for the relief efforts.
I'll save you from further yabbering for now, and share some images - gotta get back to work!