Every year around this time I find myself wondering how Summer has slipped away so swiftly. As much as I love Fall and its tee shirt weather (yep!) days and cool cozy sweater nights, when the chill starts to creep in, I get a little wistful and can't help but think "Wait! I'm not ready for Winter!". This year's Summer's end was especially poignant. Our son George turned 1 and his babyhood is tiptoeing away along with the sunny evenings and fireflies. The light has been so beautiful, a last hurrah before it leaves us for the rest of the year.
Early morning means wet grass and prancing (because of said wet grass). Izzy, following the goat's in for the morning milking.
Milking was followed by goat kisses for the Birthday Boy.
Goldenrod is apparently quite tasty... I'll take Springbok's word for it.
The sun sets right when the goat's are done with the evening milking. Back to their paddock they go.
Here on the farm we're already gearing up for the holiday season - we have lots of interesting little projects and developments in store and are happily toiling away to bring them to life! The animals are enjoying the cooler weather. Our goats are spunky and playful on their walks to and fro at milking time and the dogs engage in epic wrestling matches and sprint competitions. Soon the leaves will turn and we'll be wrapped in crimson and gold.