Mix up a jar of your favorite scent in just 3 easy (and fun!) steps. In this video I make Chamomile Rose - it smells incredible! What scent will you make?
You'll Need:
- 5-15 drops Essential Oils of choice (*please see notes below for EO safety and our recommendations for what brands and qualities we recommend)
- 1 jar LSF Unscented Deodorant Cream
- heat-resistant bowl or small pot
- stir stick or small spoon
How To:
1. MELT THE DEODORANTPour an inch of hot (but not boiling) water into a small bowl or pot.
Tighten the lid of the deo jar and then gently place into the hot water.
Let it sit for about 5 minutes or until the deodorant has melted.
Add up to 15 drops (0.75ml) of essential oils. Start slow, 5-7 drops total, and then give it a smell test before adding more. Stir gently but thoroughly.
Pop the jar into your refrigerator for about 10 minutes to firm the cream back up and keep the texture nice and smooth. Once firm, your custom scented deodorant cream is ready to use!
I'll bet your armpits are feeling extra special already ;)
Do not add any water-based ingredients or scents as doing so will cause your deodorant to go bad within days.
Essential Oil Safety
Please please do your research before choosing an essential oil to use to be sure it is safe for topical use. Although it will be diluted to less than 1% of the formulation if you follow my guidelines of no more than 15 drops per jar, some essential oils are extremely irritating (a great example is oregano) and must be used with extreme caution. After you've done your research and determined that the EO is safe for topical use and generally considered non-irritating, please do a patch test on your skin. The reason for this being that many people have sensitivities to specific essential oils that may be just fine for others. The only way to know is to test it out. The last thing I want is for you to make a jar of your fave scent and then not be able to use it! My favorite guide is the book Essential Oil Safety by Tisserand & Young. You can check out their free resources (or purchase the book) here at the Tisserand Institute.
"What brand of oils do you use/recommend?"
We get this question frequently! As we are a business that uses gallons of Essential oils weekly, we order directly from organic farms around the world based on quality, sustainability, and ethics. We do not use Young Living or DoTerra as these are not certified organic. If you have a favorite brand or Essential Oils that you love at home already we encourage you to use those for this project. If not, please consider organic for the health of your body and the planet! For smaller projects I'm always blown away by the quality of essential oils (and herbs) at Mountain Rose Herbs and love that they have so many organic options.